Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Teacher Questionare

 I ran across a teacher questionnaire on a blog the other day and thought it was such a great idea. I often find myself wanting to do more for all the my kids teachers to let them know how much I appreciate them but don't seem to know enough about them. The one questionnaire I came across had lots of questions I didn't find applicable so I changed it up and added some fun school graphics to it. Here it is!

If you want to print one of these for your child's teacher just email me and I will send you a PDF!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Miss Porter

Spring last year we got a new batch of baby chicks. After a day or so my boys had them all named and Carson chose the name "Nemo" for his new chick. He played and played with his chick and if you know Carson you know the boy LOVES animals. When the batch of chicks got big enough we put them out in the coop with the other chickens. One day shortly after doing this "Gus" our dog got out of his kennel and attacked Carson's Nemo. I found Gus with Nemo in his mouth and thought ohhh no we are going to have a dead chicken! When I rescued Nemo he was still alive...but in bad shape and all the boys at this point are hysterical and it's right before school. I get Nemo up to the garage and in a little pet porter and a lamp on him. Hurry and get the boys in the car and we quickly said a prayer in Nemo's behalf. I was preparing the boys especially Carson for he worst and honestly wasn't sure if he would make it. After weeks of recuperating in the garage and hours with Carson...Nemo recovered. But because of the hours spent together...Nemo thought Carson was her mom and would follow him all around the yard and Carson would pack her all over playing with her. Here is a picture as evidence. 

Every time Carson would have  friends over he would want to show off his chicken to them. He got the same reaction every time from them.....screaming, crying and running the other direction. Carson honestly didn't get it...he loves his chicken and he would tell them how "friendly" she is. But no one wanted to play with Nemo with him. So Ryan and I decided to get him a kitty. His very own kitty. We found someone who had kittens and went over to look at them. Carson was so excited he could hardly stand it and that is how we got "Porter." Yes, that is her name...Carson named her all by himself. I don't believe there has been a cat so loved and played with.  She literally plays with Carson on the floor...she loves to attack his hair and but mostly she loves to snuggle and sleep with him. We have had her 4 months and she is still just as big as novelty to Carson as the day we brought her home. I told Ry last night as I watch Carson and Porter play together that she is one of kind that I had never seen a cat play like that. Ryan quickly reminded that there's never been a boy like Carson either who plays with a cat like that! I am thankful for Carson and his tender heart for his animals.

This is how I just found them...both sound asleep.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Perfect Day

Gavin and Ryan's baptism day turned out simply perfect. The weather, the food and the friends and family. It was a day none of us will forget. Here are a few pics from the day.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

baptism invite

I've been busy trying to get everything done and organized for Gavin and Ryan's baptism day. I thought I would show off there invitations. I thought they turned out nice!

One with both of them together! What a special day to share with your cousin!

And one for his friends!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tote and Cards

So here are the last few things I've been working on that I am going to post. Hope it inspires you to make something too!

This is a set of Thank You's for a friend going through cancer right now.

This is for my Father in law for his Birthday. I am going to fill it tees and a golf gift certificate. 

We made these cute bags in Relief Society the other night. I just had to share them. They are made out of clear vinyl and scrapbook paper. They are really easy and could be really addicting to make!

Spray Paint

I follow Becky Higgins blog on facebook and she always has such useful tips. A few weeks ago she had a full week of spray paint inspiration. It got me thinking about a few things I had that I liked but wanted to change the color. So here are my projects.

This was a black pewter color that didn't match my house at all. My Mom had given it to me...I had always loved the shape. Now it looks great sitting on my counter. 

We've been working on redecorating Gavin's room to a sports theme. Since his Grandpa's were amazing athletes we thought it would fun to put up some of there pictures. I've have a million old wood frames and I just put on a good primer and sprayed painted them. It's was 4 dollars to redo 3 frames and the decoration up above. Not to shabby!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bryan and Becca's Wedding

Seriously it's been way too long since I've made a post. I've actually been really busy doing a lot of projects. I am going to share the first of those today. My step brother Bryan got married last weekend in Colorado. The whole wedding was just gorgeous. Becca (his new wife) asked me months ago to do several things for the wedding. I was giddy with delight that she would ask me to help. So here are some pictures from what I did (all the paper goodies you will see)

 The table names (each table was named after a city in Europe that Bryan and Bec had been to)

The place cards 

Personalized water bottles (these were fun...they send each other Ecards a lot and picked a few fun wedding ones and we made them into water bottle labels)
The Thank was a touch of Apple Hill (where Bry is from)

Congratulations! I love you both so much! Thank you for letting me such a part of your special day! 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Birthday Give Away

 Check out this give away over at! Happy Birthday Debbie at Passion for Crafts!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thank you for being in my life

Kristine Warner is having a challenge on her blog. I thought that I would play along this week...I just loved the color combination. Here is her challenge:

Here is my card

Supplies: Cardstock and Ink Close to my Heart, pins CTMH, punch Stampin UP, Thank You stamp Technique Tuesday, ribbon American Crafts, Dot Spot PapertreyInk

Monday, May 10, 2010

First Grade Circus

There is a tradition in Grantsville that has been going on since 1978. It's the First Grade Circus. I think every child in town looks forward to being in it and everyone (even adults now) can tell you what they were in the circus and who's hand they had to hold (that's a big deal to a 7 yr old). This year was Gavin's big year and he was a Wild West Trick rider. It is such a neat tradition...that we really hope won't come to a end with the schools splitting! Here's a few pics of our rodeo clown!

                                               Here he is in the entry holding Ava's hand!

    This was his part...they did tricks on these balls to music...had a shoot out and got shot!  It was cute.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Today I am thankful for a wonderful Mom. I realize having children of my own much she sacrificed and worked in my behalf. My Mom has a amazing way of making you feel like you can do anything. She makes the most boring things incredibly fun. I don't believe my Mom has ever met a stranger. Her happy personality is contagious. And the older I get the wiser she gets and the distance between us seems to feel  larger then ever before. I love you MOM...have a wonderful day!

I also need to to thank Patty my step-mom. She has been a wonderful influence in my life. I admire her ability to teach even when she doesn't think she is. She is patient and kind. I am thankful for her faith and her example to make good choices. I am thankful she has loved me as her own...for so many years, when it probably would  have been easier to not. Thank you Patty...I love you.

And to the last person I get to call my Mom. Jennie my mother-in-law. Thank you for being another Mom to me. I instantly felt love from you. I am thankful for the way you raised a wonderful son..who is now a amazing husband. I am thankful that we can always sit and visit and I always feel like we are close. I am thankful for your testimony of the gospel. It shines through you in all that you do. I think you are so beautiful inside and out. This day I want to thank you and tell you I love you.

And since I am so blessed to still have my Grandmas who are now Great Grandmas to my boys...Thank you for your wisdom, your advice and love. I understand more then ever that it takes a village to raise children. And you are such a crucial part to my village. I love to see my boys eyes light up when they see you. They love you as I loved my great grandma. She  had one of the biggest influences on my life as you are now to my boys. Thank you for your love and support and wonderful example to me. I hope to grow up to be just like each of you. I love you! Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Betsy's Sketch Challenge

If you know me...I not really crazy about movie stars or famous people. But if there is one person in this world I could meet it would be Betsy Veldman. I think she is the most amazing papercrafting designer out there. I anxiously await each morning to see if she posted something on her blog. She is having a sketch challenge and I had to play along...this one was hard for me...but I like how my card turned out. Here is her sketch:

Here is my card: 

supplies are: PTI signature greetings, Martha Stewart ribbon and everything else is Making Memories   Whimsy collection

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Birthday Box Workshop

I have had this idea of a perpetual calendar and box to hold your cards in my head for a long time and I finally came up with it! I am pretty proud of how it turned out. I came up with the idea because I was frustrated with the storage of my cards. I never really knew how many I had and often times would go to get a card and wouldn't have one or one that I like for that loved one.  Then I am scrambling to get one made before I need to give it them. So...this is my solution! I hope it's a box with 12 dividers, one for each month and on the divider it is numbered to how many days are in the month. On the day of someone's Birthday I then write there name. Behind the divider I put my card and envelope for that person. So it's all ready to go. I can make the cards month's a head of time and never have the panic of if I have a card again! So here are some pictures....

The best part's going to look real cute on my shelf in my scrap room! If you want to make one of these and live in my neck of the woods..I will be doing workshops May 11,12, and 13 in the day and evening. The cost is $15. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or want to sign up to make one! 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

it's the simple things....

This week has not been the most fun with sick kids...but I really found something that makes me really happy! It's quite new laundry detergent! Not only does it wash good...but when I do laundry it makes my whole house smell so yummy! Thank You Gain....for reminding me it's the simple things that should make us happy!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rag Quilt Bags

Here is my new creation! They are super easy and really fun to make!!! Shhhh...don't tell I am kind of addicted to making them!

I am going to do a workshop making these in the next month or so! They are the perfect size for scriptures or to take your lunch for work. I think they are great idea for a Mother's Day gift. Let me know if you want to make one!

Opening Day

Last Saturday was Opening Day for our little league baseball season. That might not seem like any big deal to many...but to a little boy in our house it was! Gavin was so excited! This year our league changed to a official Babe Ruth league and a lot of people have put in a lot of hard work to make this happen. We are grateful to them for all there hard work to make baseball in our little community a little bit better for each child that plays. With the changes they did a parade and we got to decorate our truck and show off our cute (i mean tough) Red Sox's team! I think it will be a day that each of these boys remember!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eggs!

Just a few pictures from Easter Egg dying this morning. The boys loved dying eggs this year and they were all old enough to do it made it super fun!

                                                    Look Grandma I missing a front tooth!